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Anti-immigrant forces from Norway to Arizona

Posted by digoguerra en julio 27, 2011

Anti-immigrant forces from Norway to Arizona

By Raúl Alcaraz Ochoa / Originalmente publicado en ARIZONA BILINGUAL

The Norwegian attacks that took place Friday July 22 sent shockwaves throughout the world. Anders Behring Breivik, the gunman, said he killed 76 people to spark a «revolution» against the multiculturalism he believed was staining Europe’s heritage.

This act is part of the larger context of hateful, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim tensions growing in European politics. 

For example, as Greece faces a deep debt crisis, racial tensions have risen against the immigrant population. Immigrants from Afghanistan and other countries are blamed for the national crisis and have been the targets of mounting violence.

In Bulgaria, tensions have led to violence against Muslims. This Spring, supporters of the far-right Ataka Party threw stones at Muslims gathered for prayer.

Other patterns of strong anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies have been seen in France, Germany, Hungary,  the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

In light of the Friday attack, many leaders and political analysts are calling for public debate and civil discourse. They argue that if dialogue were to take place, the tragedy could have been avoided.

Living in anti-immigrant, anti-Latino Arizona, would greater public debate and dialogue help to change Jan Brewer’s xenophobia? Or the Minuteman’s white supremacy? What about Joe Arpaio’s terror in Maricopa county? Of course not.

Dialogue is impossible when there is an imbalance of power. How could we have civil discourse or public debate with racist political and economic forces that exercise their power regularly and systematically to create policies that attack and terrorize our humanity?

There is no short-cut to peace. If the world wants peace there has to be real equality and justice for all first.

The Norwegian gunman did literally what politicians and mainstream media in Europe and the U.S. do on a regular basis. The only difference between Jan Brewer and Anders is that Anders pulled the trigger, literally.

Whether in Norway or Arizona, bullets of terror continue to target immigrant and refugee communities. I wonder when the outrage and shock will take place internationally over our daily deaths.

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